Understanding how to prepare for and perform due diligence on a company is one of the most important pieces of executing a successful early stage equity deal.
Angel Groups and Investors that have a strong due diligence process are better positioned to increase returns. In fact, the Kauffman Foundation report, 'Returns of Angels in Groups,' found that there is a direct correlation between the more time investors spend on due diligence and an increased rate of return on their investments.
Angel Groups and Investors that have a solid due diligence process are also better able to validate investment opportunities while learning to avoid being fooled. They gain greater confidence in their ability to execute deals because they learn to minimize hidden risk in the companies they evaluate.
Entrepreneurs that understand how to conduct due diligence save time and money. Most entrepreneurs seeking equity investment will be required to supply their potential investors with a lot of information, data and paperwork. If you are not prepared it can be a painstaking process. Knowing what investors expect in order to gain confidence in a deal will give you an edge on securing a good deal and, more importantly, allow you to better focus on growing your business.
Startup Support Professionals can increase the value of their services to clients and constituencies when they can more effectively advise them on the due diligence process. Professionals such as incubator managers, economic development staff, and university personnel, all have important roles in growing successful companies. The more knowledge you can transfer the better positioned for success your clients will be.
The Due Diligence course will teach you the fundamentals of how to prepare for, set up and execute a solid due diligence process.
The Angel Resource Institute has delivered over 400 courses throughout the United States and in almost twenty (20) other countries. ARI believes that education is fundamental to securing a successful early-stage investment. Understanding the fundamentals of how to execute early-stage investment deals, from the perspectives of entrepreneurs and investors, is the key to increasing investment returns, growing successful companies and creating jobs. Our team of experienced instructors have built and sold companies, invested in multiple startups, participate on boards, and each has successfully launched angel funds. Let our team help your ecosystem better understand what it takes to develop a strong entrepreneurial environment.
ARI develops custom entrepreneurial education programs for governments, economic development organizations, and accelerators throughout the world. Send us an RFP or simply use one or more of our current programs. All ARI programs include best-in-class research via our Halo Report™ data program.
ARI has multiple courses designed for beginners to expert-level investors and entrepreneurs. Each course is ARI instructor led or ARI can train you to deliver courses.
ARI has delivered more than 400 courses across 38 states and 40 countries for angel groups, economic development organizations, and government initiatives to encourage early-stage investments and deal flow.
ARI is continuously collecting data from Angel investors, groups, and entrepreneurs on early-stage and startup deals in order to provide better metrics.
View the latest Halo Report™ and find out what trends will impact your current and future funding rounds.